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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Skills Cafe 2010-10-4

      Skills Cafe
     A week at a time - OCTOBER 2010 



F. Links

G. Did You Know?

You need to keep track of your community service. Get a form and get started. We can help!

H.  Fire Drill

PSAT next 10/13 for Sophomores and Juniors. Seniors work on College Stuff. Freshman a regular day.

 I. Practice your Reading

Get signed up for Literary Companion see your case manager. Use your user name, you will be given a password.

October 4, 2010                                                                   

A. Week 6- What's Ahead?-Support for Reading

This week if you have support for reading and English you will be registered for Literary Companion and work on some of your reading. You will also go to SparkNotes and bookmark the site.

B. Go from Zero to Hero on your Quizzes

A new tool  introduced 2 weeks ago was Quizlet!  This week take charge of new vocabulary with online FLASHCARDS! Please share your Quizlet with me and I will link it on Facebook.

C.  The Weeks in Review

What belongs in your Toolkit? As a student you need to have tools in your toolkit which will make your life easier. The google domain has a calendar, a document , a presentation, a website tool, gmail, Quizlet and a way to record audio!, Literary Companion, Sparknotes, Animoto, what else?  Congratulations you have been busy!

D. Books on Audio, mp3, itouch, shuffle, CD

Have you thought about listening to your books? We have Catcher in the Rye, Farewell to Manazar and many more. But even more if you have a library card from Wells Public Library, you qualify for a Portland Library Card, and you also can qualify and download your own audio books.  See Ms. Cowan, Ms. Jortberg and Ms. Oakes to get other books on AUDIO.

E. Do you have a learning tip to share?

You can share your ideas here with your classmates. One of your Animotos, a poem, a story, ideas, your own photos or movies! Nothing to Do? Here is the $20.00 Challenge
You can write an essay for NPR public radio student essay. If your essay is published, I will give you a $20.00 itunes gift certificate. You can have help with your essay. Here are the essay rules.

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