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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Skills Cafe Newsletter 11-01-10

      Skills Cafe
     A week at a time - November 2010    TAKE this Survey please.


Congratulations to our sports teams! Football!

F. Links
This link will take you to all the links we have used.

G. Did You Know?

You need to keep track of your community service. Get a form and get started. We can help!

H.  What is in your IEP?

What is in your accommodations list? Be an advocate for yourself.

 I. WatchME Video Contest

check the bulletin board

November 1, 2010                                                                   

A. Week 10- What's Ahead?- Your Webpage for your Toolkit!

Try BridgeURL to have one link to go to your favorites!
Did you take the survey?

GOOGLE CALENDAR- add new deadlines! Are you all caught up? Do you have all your Trimester 2 classes chosen?

C.  The Weeks in Review

What belongs in your Toolkit? As a student you need to have tools in your toolkit which will make your life easier. The google domain has a calendar, a document , a presentation, a website tool, gmail, Quizlet and a way to record audio!, Literary Companion, Sparknotes, Animoto, what else? Snapgrades? Make your own document of all the links. See directions in Moodle.

D. Books on Audio, mp3, itouch, shuffle, CD

Have you thought about listening to your books? We have Night, Mango Street and many more. But even more if you have a library card from Wells Public Library, you qualify for a Portland Library Card, and you also can qualify and download your own audio books.  See Ms. Cowan, Ms. Jortberg and Ms. Oakes to get other books on AUDIO.

E. Do you have a learning tip to share?

You can share your ideas here with your classmates. One of your Animotos, a poem, a story, ideas, your own photos or movies! Nothing to Do? Here is the $20.00 Challenge
You can write an essay for NPR public radio student essay. If your essay is published, I will give you a $20.00 itunes gift certificate. You can have help with your essay. Here are the essay rules.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I am a reader!

Melanie Holtsman posted this challenge at her blog as a way to find/have purpose for blogging. I liked her idea. I blog for  two times a month, I blog for TeachHub one time a month, I blog for myself, hm, well, uh.... when the spirit moves me. So, thanks to Melanie, I will blog for myself, using her topic prompts for the next 11 weeks. If you are reading this and have been waiting for the right moment to begin blogging, I mean posting to your blog, not just reading blogs, this may be the moment you have been waiting for. Try it. Be sure to email Melanie and she will link back to your blog. You will see the power of your new personal learning network! Here goes!
 The Topic for this week's challenge:
 What is your life as a reader like? Do you read for work, pleasure, instructions or emails? What is your favorite author and/or genre? What is your favorite reading spot? What did you like to read when you were the age of your students?
As a high school student,  in Suffield, CT, I read just about every young adult book I could find in my public library, and when our new high school was built with a beautiful library I read poetry and fiction/fantasy. My favorite poet was Rod McKuen, author was Tolkien, The Hobbit, and newspapers, magazines for current events.
My favorite reading spot had to be my bedroom. My favorite author wrote stories about Maine and I devoured them all. I may actually remember her name, sometime.
Currently, I read hundreds of emails a day, at least a dozen blogs, pages of Facebook and Twitter. You will notice I do not read books for pleasure. However, I listen to hours of books! My most recent is the Girl with the  Dragon Tatoo series. I loved listening to that series so much that I finally bought a book to read during winter. My question to you readers, is listening to audio books reading? I say a huge yes! What do you say?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Skills Cafe 2010-10-4

      Skills Cafe
     A week at a time - OCTOBER 2010 



F. Links

G. Did You Know?

You need to keep track of your community service. Get a form and get started. We can help!

H.  Fire Drill

PSAT next 10/13 for Sophomores and Juniors. Seniors work on College Stuff. Freshman a regular day.

 I. Practice your Reading

Get signed up for Literary Companion see your case manager. Use your user name, you will be given a password.

October 4, 2010                                                                   

A. Week 6- What's Ahead?-Support for Reading

This week if you have support for reading and English you will be registered for Literary Companion and work on some of your reading. You will also go to SparkNotes and bookmark the site.

B. Go from Zero to Hero on your Quizzes

A new tool  introduced 2 weeks ago was Quizlet!  This week take charge of new vocabulary with online FLASHCARDS! Please share your Quizlet with me and I will link it on Facebook.

C.  The Weeks in Review

What belongs in your Toolkit? As a student you need to have tools in your toolkit which will make your life easier. The google domain has a calendar, a document , a presentation, a website tool, gmail, Quizlet and a way to record audio!, Literary Companion, Sparknotes, Animoto, what else?  Congratulations you have been busy!

D. Books on Audio, mp3, itouch, shuffle, CD

Have you thought about listening to your books? We have Catcher in the Rye, Farewell to Manazar and many more. But even more if you have a library card from Wells Public Library, you qualify for a Portland Library Card, and you also can qualify and download your own audio books.  See Ms. Cowan, Ms. Jortberg and Ms. Oakes to get other books on AUDIO.

E. Do you have a learning tip to share?

You can share your ideas here with your classmates. One of your Animotos, a poem, a story, ideas, your own photos or movies! Nothing to Do? Here is the $20.00 Challenge
You can write an essay for NPR public radio student essay. If your essay is published, I will give you a $20.00 itunes gift certificate. You can have help with your essay. Here are the essay rules.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I did it!

cross-posted from Cheryl Oakes

I made a challenge for myself when I changed positions and moved to the Wells High School Resource Room, that I would hit the google search within the year. I was going to check each month to see when it happened. Today, October 1, 2010, when I googled wells high school resource room this is what came up in .38 seconds! I made it in one month.
Also, in one month, we have 183 visits from all over the world. Thanks to all the readers!